"A perfectly silly, genius idea" -- David Letterman

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Russell Brand

Another CelebriGum innovation!  The CelebriGum camera's ability to take several shots in quick succession means you can make a flipbook from the following photo sequence.

Here's how:

1.  Print the six photos.

2.  Cut out the photos and stack them in order.

3.  Add a cover and staple the cover and pages together on the side.

4.  Flip through the images with your thumb at the edge of the book to make it appear as though British comedian/actor/author Russell Brand is walking!

No cover, you say?  Here's one that should do nicely:


  1. That's nothing. I've wasted half of my life here in the comments section!

    1. When it comes to wasting time on this site, I've got you comfortably beaten, I'm afraid.

  2. Thinking of adding two of photo #5, thus getting more hair action....

  3. I've wasted more of my life doing less fun things I fear. So there.

  4. Looks like Mr. Brand is eschewing the limo service for public transport? Very admirable, Russ.

    1. As long as he's not eschewing the gum! He'd probably break his jaw.
