"A perfectly silly, genius idea" -- David Letterman

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Farewell To The Summer 2012 Interns

Summer 2012 saw another fine crop of Late Show interns.  Julia Lewis spent a lot of time in the hallway by the special window, and gallantly snapped a few CelebriGum shots when I was busy doing my actual job.

Julia's area of strength seems to be men with a certain kind of name:

Adam Sandler

Andy Samberg

If Aaron Sorkin had been on the show, I believe she would have gotten a good shot of him.  Unfortunately, Aaron was not a Late Show guest, but Jeff Daniels was.

Hmm, something's missing there.  Don't worry, Julia, you did great for a rookie!

I regret that I forgot to take a photo of Julia before her semester ended.  So I'm substituting a photo of Julia Roberts.

From this angle they could be sisters.


  1. I love the angle on the Julia Roberts photo. Is she giving a gang sign?

    1. Yes, she's part of that feared crew, the Hollywood A-Listas.

  2. May former intern, Julia, be gainfully employed when she seeks full-time work. Does the Late Show keep stats on how well their interns do out here in the real world? {Do you all give them glowing references to present to potential employers?] Well, here's hoping that such internships are truly stepping-stones to fruitful careers. God knows we don't need to add even more folks to the unemployment rolls.


    1. I don't know the overall stats, but some do end up working for the Late Show. Spring intern and sometimes guest CelebriGum guest photographer Justin Tasolides is now a paid staffer.

    2. Does Celebrigum offer unpaid, uncollege-credited, internship opportunities for long time fans and part time crazy persons?

  3. Is it true that the longstanding problem of interns stealing LS office supplies is getting better? I worry that they may have moved on to stealing old wads of gum.

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    1. This comment has been removed by the author, too.

  5. The Toast in the MachineSeptember 3, 2012 at 6:35 PM

    Up and Adam, Julia Lewis! Nice job!
