"A perfectly silly, genius idea" -- David Letterman

Monday, September 3, 2012

Amy Adams

CelebriGum multitasking!

Holding the camera out the window with my left hand, while holding my phone with my right hand and calling in a videotape change to the edit room.  Firing off shots without looking at the viewfinder, trusting that my years of practice will carry me through.

Not bad.  We can work with that.  I generally crop the photos anyway.

FYI, I did the cropping with my left hand while pretending to talk into a phone held by my right hand, just to prove that I could.

Also, I'm typing this with my feet.  With my hands I'm simultaneously writing a piece for the October issue of Tedious Show-Off Magazine.  Watch for it!


  1. Bravo! You're a one-man band. Nicely done.


    1. Oh, that's right, I forgot to mention that at the time I was also playing a tambourine.

  2. You are "single-handedly" saving the magazine business.

    1. If I save Tedious Show-Off Magazine, I'll be a shoe-in for their Man of the Year.

    2. If not I'm sure you'll be "Punhouse Monthly's" September Phunny Guy.

  3. Coincidentally, exactly the same techniques I was using as a wedding photographer just before realizing it was time to retire.

    1. My dream is that someday couples want to get married under the gum. Then I'll know it's time for me to retire.

  4. I think you represent the next step of human evolution - octo(pus)-man. (not to be confused, of course, with octo-mom).

    1. So far, I don't need eight arms. I'm happy to be the Amazing Two-Armed Man.

    2. Amazing "Tedious" Two-Armed Man.

  5. The Toast in the MachineSeptember 6, 2012 at 2:46 PM

    A Shaolin priest can walk through walls...

  6. I link my first memories and interest in photography to my father. In the during the many trips I took with my family, my father would record everything with a Yashica Mat 124G 6x6 meticulously studying the exposure and shot angles. As a child, that black contraption with its two glass eyes seemed magical to me: my father would look into that little window on the top and the box would capture things!.

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