"A perfectly silly, genius idea" -- David Letterman

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Anne Hathaway

 I'm glad you decided to check out the entry with Anne Hathaway, one of the stars of "The Dark Knight Rises"…

 …despite the fact that my boss Dave Letterman has already given away the ending to this CelebriGum entry.

Yes, Anne gets into the SUV.  Well, it would have been a fantastic surprise.


  1. This comment will be a short sketch.

    Thank God I'm looking at this Anne Hathaway CelebriGum post on my phone at the adult theater, nobody would mind if I...(unzip sound)...
    Police Man - "Hey, are you Fred Willard?"
    George Takei - "Oh, My!"

    The Woman on the upper left corner of the second photo looks to be in shock.

    1. I like the surprise appearance by George Takei.

      Yes, there are good details to be enjoyed at the periphery. The Kyra Sedgwick entry will be an excellent example.

    2. Every appearance by George Takei is a surprise appearance.

  2. Is DL really your boss? Do you really answer to him? Can he hire and fire you? Does he have that power over everyone at the LS, down to the janitor? Wow. I would have thought it might be Les Moonves.

    1. I work for Worldwide Pants, not CBS. I suppose if Les fired Dave, I would indirectly be fired. Why, what have you heard?

    2. Um.... Nothing! Nothing at all..... Carry on.

  3. What happens after she gets into the SUV? No, wait! Don't spoil it for me!
