"A perfectly silly, genius idea" -- David Letterman

Monday, June 4, 2012

Megan Mullally

So close.

The Witherspoon Double-Shot entry garnered several awards, such as the Spoony and the Doubly, for its unprecedented pairing of disparate Witherspoons.  I thought I was about to hit Doubly gold a second time with a Mullally Double-Shot.

Here's Megan Mullally…

But the CEO of Ford spells his last name differently.

Damn you, Alan Mulally!  Would it have killed you to move over that L in your first name and become Aan Mullally?

Oh.  As a matter of fact, a quick Google search turned up this news item from last October:

ALBANY, NY (AP) -- A local man is in serious condition after an attempted letter swap went awry.  Lloyd Mulally, 31, of Pine Hills, was discovered unconscious by friends with the small "l" from his first name partially inserted into his last name.  He was transported to Albany Memorial Hospital where a team of surgeons restored the "l" to its original position.  Mulally is expected to survive.

Okay, Alan, you should stick with Mulally.


  1. I once had a lower case "q" stuck in my capital letters. I still walk with a limp.

  2. Maybe you can get the m removed, and just walk with a lip.

  3. Why is it up to Alan Mulally to change his name, I say Megan should change her name to Alan.

    1. I don't know why but that reply really made me laugh. Actually I do know why, but I won't tell.

  4. Is he getting into a Chevrolet? Well, you know what they say about Ford.

    1. It's a Lincoln Navigator. And you know what they say about Lincoln: tops in reliability, according to J.D. Powers' 2011 Dependability Study.

    2. The Toast in the MachineJune 5, 2012 at 7:36 AM

      "Let's Navigate over to Ford's Theatre, Lincoln."

    3. My first girlfriend was nicknamed Lincoln. All the guys tried to take a shot at her in the balcony. Bada-bing, bada-boom. Thanks, and a tip o' the hat to JC.

  5. The Toast in the MachineJune 5, 2012 at 7:33 AM

    Sounds like someone beat the "l" out of Lloyd Mulally...

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