"A perfectly silly, genius idea" -- David Letterman

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Joan Rivers

I usually think it's preferable to get the celebrity in focus.

But in this shot, the camera focusing on the gum led to an amazing discovery.  Look at what I found when I zoomed in super-close.

This raises more questions than it answers.  In fact, it doesn't even answer any questions.
NOTE: Best viewed on a larger screen in order to see the important detail.


  1. Is it raising any multiple choice questions? I always do better with those.

    1. a. no
      b. possibly
      c. it cannot be determined from the information given

    2. I'll just cheat off the kid sitting next to me.

  2. Are people seeing what was added to the gum? At least one person missed the whole point.

  3. What do you mean by "added". I see that the gum has a ledge with another gum on it. But didn't you know this years ago? On all gum there's a ledge with gum on it.

    1. Okay, you see it too. Good, I'm not going mad.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. This is just like the moment in Being John Malkovich when John Malkovich gets to "be John Malkovich," and all anyone can say in that world is "Malkovich, Malkovich, Malkovich." Yes. It's JUST like that moment. Here's one of the non-multiple choice questions it's raising: Which gum with a ledge with gum on it is the original gum with a ledge with gum on it?

    Or, celebrigumcelebrigumcelebrigumcelebrigumcelebrigumcelebrigum?

    1. Shannon, thank you. You've hit upon an excellent point, which makes my head hurt in a good way.

      I invite you to check if celebrigumcelebrigumcelebrigumcelebrigumcelebrigumcelebrigum.com is still available. It might just get in under the domain name character limit, which if I recall correctly is 64.

  5. The Toast in the MachineJune 16, 2012 at 11:32 AM

    Use your electron microscope to see if the second Gum also has a ledge with Gum on it...ad infinitum. This is the most important discovery since Horton heard the Who...in Cincinnati...in 1979. Much Gum was trampled on that horrible day. :(

  6. مضار النمل الابيض
    الاضرار و الخسائر الفادحة و التى تتم من تواجد النمل الابيض فى الاراضي الزراعية و مقدرته على القضاء على المحاصيل الزراعية من حبوب و تمور و الذرة و غيرها
    من اكثر المواصفات المخصصة بالنمل الابيض هو تغذيته على نحو أساسي على السليلوز و الذي يمكن استخلاصة من بعض المواد المكونه للمواد الانشائية الأمر الذي يعرضها للتهالك و الوقوع و بالاضافة الى هذا تآكلة للاثاث الخشبي و الاقمشة و المفروشات و الاوراق و الابواب و غيرها
    يبقى الكثير من الاغراض التى يمكن ان تتعرض للتلف و منها بعض انواع الاشجار و التى تساعدها فى التخلص من محاصيلها او عدم مقدرتها على إدخار نفس جوده الفواكهه التى تقدمها

    شركة مكافحة حشرات بالمملكة
    شركة مكافحة النمل الابيض بالقطيف
    شركة مكافحة النمل الابيض بالخرج
