"A perfectly silly, genius idea" -- David Letterman

Monday, May 21, 2012

Chloe Grace Moretz

Miss Moretz is a rising star who appears in "Dark Shadows," and I've enjoyed her work as Jack Donaghy's teenage nemesis in "30 Rock."  As sometimes happens, I got to the window in time for one, and only one, shot. 

It's actually rather liberating.  Good or bad, that's the shot. 

However, I like to post bonus photos on the CelebriGum Facebook page. With no outtakes, that means I have to find something else.  So, for my Chloe Grace Moretz bonus photo, I'll be using this picture which I snapped recently in a Manhattan parking structure: 

It kind of ties in to the "Dark Shadows" theme.

p.s. to Miss Moretz: I know your first name has an umlaut, but the one I ordered from a European supplier got held up in customs.  Sorry for the inconvenience.


  1. The wheel lock is orange, which almost makes up for the lack of orange cones in this entry.

    1. It's neck and neck these days which gets more fan love, the gum or the cones. The celebrities are always a distant third.

    2. Did you peek inside to see if there was a dead body?

  2. Andy Warhol didn't say "Hey, I've been doing complex movies and all you want to look at are the cans of soup?" He just kept giving the people what they wanted.

    Yes, you are the next Andy Warhol. Make sure to buy a bullet proof vest.

    1. I'm giving the people what they didn't know they want.

    2. I'd like a can of soup.

  3. I don't know what this means, it may be dirty, it may be obscene, or it may mean nothing, but it has to be said or my head will blow up.

    Chloe Grace Moretz from the hit movie "Dark Shadows"? Yeah, I'd like to Darken her Shadows! If you know what I mean!

    1. I'm sure she'd like to euphemism your double entendre.

    2. You really think so? Wow, made my day.

  4. The Toast in the MachineMay 26, 2012 at 11:15 AM

    Liberating, indeed! You managed to snap only one photo, so you were forced to use hearse... (Nice booty shots, by the way.)
