"A perfectly silly, genius idea" -- David Letterman

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Rachel Maddow and Caterpillar 320BL

As a Late Show guest, Rachel Maddow is always entertaining and informative.  And CelebriGum is always glad to have her.  But seeing as this is her fourth CelebriGum appearance, and she's out of focus, this entry really needs something else to make it special.

The Caterpillar 320BL is a different kind of CelebriGum celebrity.  It's a hydraulic excavator with a 389 cubic inch turbocharged six cylinder engine, a 7 foot 8 inch track gauge, and a 9 foot tail swing radius.  And with a maximum bucket capacity of 2 cubic yards, a maximum digging depth of 24 feet 9 inches, and an impressive 42,050 foot pounds of swing torque, there's no question that it's a star worthy of being photographed with the gum.

Great to have you with us, Caterpillar 320BL.  Just try to get this mess cleaned up by Monday afternoon.  Don Rickles is coming, and if he's inconvenienced, he'll fire off some choice insults about your maximum cutting height and your hydraulic pump flow capacity.  


  1. So basically, you're saying the Caterpillar 320BL is a conservative? I wasn't aware that the FCC's "equal time" rule applied to celebrity/gum photo sites.

  2. Don is so old they might need that bucket to drop him on stage.

    1. That would be a memorable entrance. Maybe it should be optional for all guests regardless of age.

  3. But Rachel will be supporting Cat320BL's work, as long as it's being paid for via higher taxes paid by the 1%. You must've seen Rachel in her hard hat, near the Hoover Dam, she's all for infrastructure spending as well as the rights of union workers. So this Cat just may be on Maddow's team.

    Jan B.

  4. Whoah, I wasn't prepared to comment on the political leanings of hydraulic excavators.

    1. Might be time to get CelebriGum's PR department involved.

  5. (Adult Content Warning, remove if you see fit) Fun Fact: Don Rickles porn name is Ron Dickles. He's famous for his side splitting punch lines and hard hitting *** Shots.

    Catch Ron Dickles in his new film "Take my wife and Please"

    I'm hear all weekend!!!

    1. So are your typos, apparently.

    2. Yes. I here that!

  6. Is this excavation for the Late Show Bat Cave?

  7. The Toast in the MachineApril 30, 2012 at 6:35 AM

    All watched over by machines of loving grace... :)

  8. The Toast in the MachineApril 30, 2012 at 6:40 AM

    Just imagine the size of the butterfly...

  9. David KazmierskiMay 1, 2012 at 7:37 PM

    Late Post nobody will read, but I need to share it.

    Rachel Maddow and Rachel Meow! Get it, because CAT and Meow! Yep, it's smart comedy.

  10. I had felt sorry for the poor excavator if it did get a mouthful from mr. Rickles though. That guy can be unforgiving, even to inanimate objects.

  11. You gotta love that heavy-duty cat. It's a really reliable payloader, and tough on the job too. Too bad it needs a lot of maintenance and a whole host of spare hardware to stay operational for longer.
