"A perfectly silly, genius idea" -- David Letterman

Thursday, December 15, 2011

The CelebriGum Gallery Show

A few months ago Dave Letterman began to talk about arranging a CelebriGum gallery show.  Tonight, thanks to Dave's support and generosity, that vision has been realized.  

This year's Late Show holiday party for the staff and crew is at a Chelsea art gallery.  Dave has arranged for excellent food and drink, live music, and enlargements of over fifty of my favorite photos, professionally framed and mounted.

The wonderful poster that's been up around the Late Show offices is by graphic artist Garth Beams.

Although the show is just one night and not open to the public, I hope to post photos of the event soon.

Wow.  Thanks, Dave.


  1. Serious? No way. CG viewers demand a photo taken during the party, with you holding up today's copy of the New York Post. Do this if you ever want to see any of us alive again.

  2. Over 50 framed works of art! Sounds like a charity art auction in 2012!

  3. So you're going to show the staff 50 different wads of gum? I hope they are all on paper.

    Bob Shriver

  4. As I frequent shopper at Celebrigum I have to say that this is really cool. Also, I really hope your comments are included with the photos.

    Beware the Ides of December! I don't think this can end well. Watch the John Waters film "Pecker" and you'll understand my fear.

    Also, I don't think this really counts as a Celebrigum entry

  5. Congratulations Steve! How many nights will this run? And, is it open to the public? Will Dave be supplying sandwiches for every night of it's two month run? Do I send my check directly to Dave?

  6. I think MM's mole should have been CG. WOW and congrats...can you smell the fame. You and CG will probably be a guest on the show...but who will write your jokes?

    Do not let CG drink too much...I don't want to see some crazy embarrassing video on youtube.

  7. Wait, what about the Celebrigum "writers" who faithfully show up here in the comments section every week posting mindless drivel about mindless drivel? Why weren't we invited? The gum would never stand for this!

  8. I just want to see the Photos, it is great idea!

  9. Agreed Jason. Will CG invite me to the party and pay for my plane ticket to get there? And my lodging? Meals? Cab ride to and from the aerodrome? Miscellaneous trinkets and shopping? Gum?

  10. Congrats Steve thanks for sharing all the photos you posted. You deserve this! Hope to see more photos from this event.

    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.

  11. Just remember, Steve, we were all "gum" when gum wasn't cool.

  12. Yeah! Hey are you also putting up some of the comments of your faithful followers in the gallery show? If you put up one of mine that would make up for 48 years of otherwise absolute zero achievement in my life.
