"A perfectly silly, genius idea" -- David Letterman

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Ryan Reynolds

I don't fully understand this.  New York City follows a special protocol whenever a Sexiest Man Alive appears in public.

Yes, the Fire Department has to send an Explosives Unit.

Whatever precautions they took were effective.  Mr. Reynolds did not detonate, and he left without causing injury to himself or others.

Just another day's work for the FDNY Explosives Unit, Extreme Sex Appeal Division.


  1. You know, the aluminum foil magnate. Reynolds Wrap? Ring a bell?

  2. I think the Explosive's Unit was there for the ladies who might spontaneously combust from all that sexiness

  3. True. Last week when Justin Bieber was at the show, there were at least a dozen confirmed cases of Spontaneous Adolescent Female Human Combustion. The maintenance guys were mopping up for hours.

  4. I thought the explosives unit comes by every afternoon to sort through Dave's hate mail?

  5. It's 2011, Karl! All the hate mail is now hate e-mail.

  6. Another quaint tradition, killed by the internet.

  7. The Toast in the MachineJuly 2, 2011 at 4:05 PM

    Jesus, people, do I have to do ALL the thinkin' around here?
    The obvious joke is: "Another bomb plot FOILED!"

  8. Speaking of Jesus, if he does return, I'd love to get his photo with the gum. It would presumably coincide with the end of the world, but what a way to end CelebriGum!

  9. The Toast in the MachineJuly 3, 2011 at 2:05 AM

    We've already tried that concept over at CelebriToast, Steve:

  10. Praise the Lord and pass the butter.
