"A perfectly silly, genius idea" -- David Letterman

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Sofia Vergara

Celebrity: check.  Gum: check.  Optional elements such as non-celebrities, black luxury vehicle, stray foot in upper right corner: check, check, and check.  That's an indisputable CelebriGum photo.

But what about this one?  

Is the gum in or out?  Does this qualify as a CelebriGum photo?  



  1. CelebriGum without the gum. WTH! No, it's not CelibriGum! Paul Simon and Michael Stipe singing harmonies. Is that "Simon and Garfunkel"? No.

  2. The Toast in the MachineOctober 28, 2010 at 11:06 AM

    AmeriGum Idol Judges:
    Simon Cowbell: "Ab-so-LUTELY DREADFUL!!! I've seen better photos of missing Gum on lost milk cartons - missing Gum with MORE cowbell."

    Randy Jackson Hewitt: "Kinda pitchy, dawg. And very taxing to look at."

    Paula Hussein Abdul Obama: "The tiny people...in party hats...Slankets can make...egg salad...there's an...iguana...in my (unintelligible)...lap...Chocolate crowbar? Zzzzzzzzzzzzz...Zzzzzzzzzzzz..."

  3. Verily it's not a true celebrigum photo, however we should never forget our fallen brethren pieces of gum who are visible splattered far and wide across the sidewalk, visible as dark colored splotches. May their memory live on.
